Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bad blogger

When you don't make time for blogging, you have too much to say and no clue where to start!! I'm going to go with what I've been working on as of late! I have been a crafting machine :) 
I bought a round board from Hobby Lobby and made this little snoman. 

I have also been wanting to try painting on burlap, so there's that! I have seen some cute stuff in the stores, but way too expensive for my liking, especially when I know I can come home and make my own! Anyway, this is going to be like a door hanger.

Also have some Santa letters in the making! I want to find cute embellishments for the belt buckle.

 I bought some $5 fake Toms and Five Below a couple of weekends ago and wanted to try my paint skills out! I went with more "Fall" colors and they turned out okay. I like the ones I see in Etsy much better but can't justify spending close to a $100 when I made mine for only $5!! 

Dallas and I took poor Layla girl to the vet to get a shot today. She was stinky all over again and won't stop scratching herself! I sure wish I knew what she was allergic to! She got 2 different shots so hopefully she will be fine until her next shot in 2 weeks. That girl is so high maintaince!!! 

This toddler was soooo helpful today! He loves Layla and always wants to play with her, but she still isn't interested. He has been a hot mess...I was looking at him in the vet, and he had a nasty nose and needs a hair cut desperately, with dried slobber on both sides if his mouth! His jeans were close to flooding and his voice sounds funny because he is so stuffy!  I couldn't believe he looked like that, but he fights me so often now I "try" to pick my battles! 
He has been fight some congestion and a cough that's going around. It's been a week now...a full 7 days! 
(He can be clingy, needy, grumpy, and just plain mean when he's sick) 
He isn't eating well and looks extra skinny to me :( poor thing has to dress cute because skinny and pale isn't my favorite! 

Sunday: Mom and I enjoyed cowboy church alone, grabbed lunch at Taco Cabana, then headed to Casa View Thrift in Garland. I got 5 sweaters to cut the sleeves off for boot socks and a few Christmas goodies! Here are my Santa's I bought! 

The first picture he is like 3 feet tall and gorgeous! The 2nd picture he is about a foot tall, but just as cute. Mom and I got home and Lance had just put Dallas down for a nap and wanted to go to the gym. Mom and I rented The Heat on OnDemand which was absolutely hilarious!!! We laughed so much and had such a great girls day! Lance came home with Chipotle for us all and you already know I didn't waste no time chowin' down ;-) which is why I have gained aoooo much dang weight!!! Sucks, and I have to get my butt in gear, literally! I love to exercise & run...just have to make time in my day!! 

Saturday: Dallas & I slept in :) I did some chores around the house and let him play until close to time to meet my Mom at Hobby Lobby to get supplies for all the Christmas crafts I had been pinning on Pinterest! We went to Kirklands first to look around and get some inspiration! When we got to Hobby Lobby I had so many exciting ideas running through my head, I had to make a list in my phone to keep up! Lol...didn't help that Dallas had this mole/ferret type stuffed animal singing Christmas songs on full blast! It was so loud I kept begging him to turn it off! We ran home and picked up Daddy, Arielle & Zoe for dinner at Logans steakhouse. It's pretty good but not the same as Saltgrass. We were looking for a calmer less packed atmosphere. Dallas was in rare form after a 3 hour binge shopping spree at Hobby Lobby. 

Friday: I went to Shannon's house to help clean and decorate a little bit! I snapped this pic for Lance because he said he hasn't seen Presley in awhile and to send him a picture which I thought was sweet. I can't believe how these kiddos are just growing up right before my eyes!! Presley is seriously eating anything and everything and is such a happy baby girl!! I love her to pieces and keep praying for her family! They have had a rough couple of weeks with 3 deaths in the same family :( Real tear jerker right there! I miss seeing all there sweet smiling faces every weekend and hope for them to catch a break!!

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