I have been recently reminded that I haven't blogged in awhile!! Truth be told, Dallas hasn't been going to HIS bed and following his schedule the last couple of weeks. That means I usually fall asleep with him in our bed, and throw "Korie time" out the window. We leave for our cruise Sunday and I figured I'd have to start back over after Dallas sleeping with my parents for a week. Anyway, it's been crazy and hectic, nothing different for us...That's how we like it, but busy for sure. I've been getting things ready for the cruise as well as for Dallas staying home with his Mimi & Umpy! I've been making schedules and time charts to make a week in my shoes easier on my mom & dad!! They only raised one, and three can be quite the adjustment. However, the girls are so helpful and understanding. They will all be fine, but I will miss Dallas like CRAZY! He's only spent the night away from me once in over 2 years! I will call daily to hear his sweet voice :) Lance and I need this time and will definitely enjoy ourselves. Our first Will is complete and needs to be signed...that was weird, but definitely necessary. I can't imagine something happening and Dallas having to go to my in-laws!! Yikes, double punishment! Shannon encouraged me to complete it before traveling for 7 days without our kids. I'm glad I did, they ask in-detail questions people don't want to think about, but honestly need to. Ramble, ramble, ramble...this is what happens when you don't blog for awhile, I have too much to say! I do want to mention the horrific things happen too often. The Boston bombing and the fertilizer plant explosion in West, TX just reminds me how precious life is. We need to be grateful for everyday we wake up, and make the most of everyday! Cherish those around us and uplift one another! I am still blessed to stay home with Dallas during the day and be here when the girls get home from school! Memories are being made everyday :) I am living the good life!!! I have 2 of the best friends I could ask for, and family who loves me unconditionally. I have 3 children who think I hung the moon and a husband who works hard for us and makes me proud! I have learned SO much in my short 28 (almost 29) years! Especially the last 7.5!!! Yet, there is so much more to learn in this short life we live. I am receptive and open! I learn more from my kids than anything or anywhere!! Children are amazing and truly a gift from God! I love my life and couldn't be more thankful!
Slumber parties and outside fun
5 years ago