Oh my goodness, I haven't blogged for a small stretch over the weekend and feel like I have so much to get off my chest! I truly think it helps "writing things down." Few words quoted from my Mother! She always recommends "making a list" or jotting things to help clear your mind. So here I lay next to a sleeping toddler, typing away like a crack head. I took my emerge this morning and I feel so amped up I can hardly focus enough to type one letter at a time! Lol, so don't be surprised if this blog has my thoughts all over the place! I really had planned on running while Dallas napped, but he is kinda whiney and I figured I'd just pat his back and comfort him to sleep. His head seems warm and i didn't want to drag him around in the stroller for a selfish jog. He is becoming very strong willed and confusing. I often wonder, what am I doing wrong? What am i doing right? Am I supposed to do this or that?! Everyone is going to judge one way or another so I do what I feel is right in my heart. Anyway, having a toddler and trying to please them, yet teach them is a pretty tough battle. I love this kid to death and will parent him the best I can. He is too young to reason with and tantrums come a lot easier these days! He is so smart and independent that I find myself learning how to be more open to letting him do things the way I want...consequently I need to try to compromise more frequently and give him better choices. What this means is, I've got to get creative people! :) My body has more energy, and now my mind is feeling more energetic too! I am slowly organizing closets and drawer throughout our house. I feel OVER-cluttered, and who doesn't love opening an "everything has its place cabinet?" I am staying ahead of our laundry and trying to remember to put things where they go. With 5 people, laundry is never ending and seems like it goes on forever and ever! Dishes are a daily duty, but occasionally I request the help of my two sweet girls. They are open to helping out around the house (usually with very little rolling of the eyes and attitude)! They can be great helpers!! 😉 It's just hard to ask them to do chores sometimes...I'd rather hear them running, laughing and playing after a full day of school work and rules from teachers. Chores don't normally come with those qualities!! Hee hee! Therefor, they may be a little spoiled in that department. All I ask is the trash/recycling be taken out daily and keep their room picked up. They are pretty responsible and CAN be well mannered!! 😜 All-in-all, I am one proud Mama!! I love my kiddos with all my heart, and hope to express that to them, at least enough where they feel an unconditional love from their parents! It's a good thing this blog is for me to look back on one day, because I'm sure it's pretty boring to others! Haha, anyway...I've got to cut this blog short. Dallas is in a deep slumber and I'd like to eat and work out a little before my little guy wakes! Soon the girls will come home from school and I will busy, busy once again! Love my life, thank you Jesus for blessing our family in so many ways!!!!
Picture of Dallas is attached merely as a sweet little picture of him, as well as a small preview of my next post 'My weekend in a nut shell'
Slumber parties and outside fun
5 years ago
You are a great mom have a wonderful smart little man. We love to spend time with yall and watch him grow!