Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hump day indeed

Oh what a day! Dallas threw the BIGGEST and LONGEST fit I've ever witnessed today!!! I will no longer have the same feelings or cringe when I hear another child screaming in a store. Today was crazy nuts!!!! It opened my eyes to things I hadn't yet experienced. Literally, my Son screamed at the top of his lungs in the car from downtown Rockwall all the way to Brookeshires (while I was trying to get my medicine from the pharmacist) screamed for the drive over to Hobby Lobby, then ALL the way through the frame section while trying to get a shadow box. Dallas had arms swinging...legs stiff as a board. He wanted down, he wanted up, at one point, my glasses flew off my face during his fit! His face was red and he was mad like fire...nothing I did could calm him, or just get him to stop screaming! It was pretty embarrassing, and I don't normally get embarrassed easily. He got spanked several times, ignored, shushed, squeezed... Countless, hopeless attempts at just trying to get him quiet. A manager walked by and asked if he was 'okay' I wasn't sure what kind of question that was?!?! Lol, it was pure pandemonium...did either one of us look 'okay??' That kid needed a tranquilizer shot before he hurt himself or someone around him. lol, I was anticipating the Rockwall sheriffs department or Child Protective Services at any moment.

 Then in the next store, he was a completely different kid--sweet as pie to the cashier who asked how our day was! I know she didn't believe me when I clued her in on my last 30 minutes. Our afternoon had turned around, and I wasn't going to let this 2 year old win!! I was determined. We enjoyed a late lunch at Chick-fil-a, then came home to rest! (I needed some quiet time after all of those shenanigans and new wrestling moves i was trying!) We watched cartoons as now it was too late to take a nap! When Daddy got home, we headed to the pool for a swim as a family! Dallas was so well behaved and using his manners like a grown man!!! We had fun! We got home, I bathed Dallas and then heated him up leftover baked potato soup and a hot dog! (he asked for that...said he wanted to dip his hot dog in his soup!) He played for a little bit in the living room with his monster trucks when I noticed a stench seeping from his behind!!! Well, wouldn't you have guessed that started him on another fit! I picked him up and brought him to my room to change his diaper. Just then, Dallas uttered a few words that I will try to forget, but broke my heart! He shouted, "DON'T BEAT ME!! Then screamed, "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" I'm not sure what 2 year old yells such craziness to his Momma!! He can be very dramatic (no clue as to where he gets that) and super funny...but that little 2 year old that I was so determined not to win...won tonight!!! I was mentally and emotionally exhausted from the day we had! I changed him, laid down next to him, patted his back to sleep and wept like my first dog just died. I was already unsure if I was doing the right things earlier...are people staring at me because I need to spank him, or are they judging me because I DID spank him?!? So much pressure on us Moms these days!!! I felt awful when he said that tonight. I chalked it up as being a long day and we both needed to go to bed. It hurt, but he needs guidance and structure. I just hope I'm doing the right things and he doesn't hate me when he's a grown up! :( I love Dallas so very much and hope we get through these fits soon!! Today was enough to last a lifetime!!! Tomorrow is a new day and I am thankful for learning a new lesson! (Don't be so quick to cringe when I hear a child screaming in a store, I don't know the circumstances...nor how the Mom or child is feeling!!!) a day in the life of Korie Smith is pretty darn crazy! Thank you Lord for this luxurious life I lead! I am so blessed to be able to stay home with my kids!!! I have such amazing friends & family who love me unconditionally!!! I can't complain! :) life is good, just cray cray sometimes!! 

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