Thursday Arielle and her classmates had their awards ceremony and graduated to the next school (Harry H. Herndon intermediate.) 5th grade look out, these kiddos are incredible and they are headed your way!!
I am so very proud of her!!! She made A/B honor roll for the entire year--only 1 B, which was an 89!! She was literally one point away from the presidential award. Oh well, there's always next year. I took Arielle, Hailey, Maigen, Kassidy & Dallas with me to Hobby Lobby and then Chick-Fil-A for lunch! I love these little ladies and I am so happy Arielle has such a good group of girls to be friends with.
Big kids are out of school for the summer, and the anticipation of fun is setting in! Friday Shannon & Presley, Ashley & Hunter, Arielle, Hailey, Dallas & I went to the Dallas Zoo! We packed a lunch and set out for the day!! (No, we have no clue who the little girl on the end is!) We had an awesome day! We watched the bird show which was new to me and that was super cool! We ate our picnic lunch inside in the air conditioning. We got to cool down and take a little break.
Visiting the goats!

Hunter & Dallas riding a little fake horse!
Dallas & Mommy
The boys checking out the fish!!
Love, love, love this pic of Shannon & Presley! They both look so cute!
Dallas wasn't in the mood for a group picture! -never is!
Shannon with her nephew Hunter & her sweet Baby girl, Presley!! :)
Dallas and Mommy at the bird show, waiting for it to start!!
So cool, a Bald Eagle! I don't think I've ever seen one this close!! I have to admit, this trip to the zoo, was spectacular! We never get to see the tiger, and this day, he was out playing. He had a big ball in the water and was rolling it with his paws! No pic though :( also, the lions were closer than I had EVER seen! Normally you see them off in a distance laying around. The pics I got were decent, but have nothing on the reality of being there and seeing them so close, with a sheet of glass separating you two! This was by far my favorite part!!
So snugly, makes you want to cuddle right up with them!! :)
There paws & faces are huge!!
All in all, the Zoo was a major success!!
We met the boys at Chilis for dinner. My son was lovin' being able to hang out with the girls! He absolutely adores his sisters and their friends!!
Crazy kids! Dinner was yummy! :) I am so thankful Lance works as hard as he does to be able to provide for his family. He goes above and beyond to make sure we have everything we need and more! He currently revived a promotion to Internet Director! I am so proud of him and his new title! :) he works incredibly hard and deserves it! I hope we are doing a good job of spoiling our children as well as teaching them respect, manners, and the importance of how hard work pays off. I want to have reasonable, level headed, hard working kids one day...not children who feel like they are owed something. Parenting can be so very difficult sometimes! I trust in my heart I am doing the best I can and making the best choices I can for my babies! I am going to continue to pray for God leading my family down the right path! Lord please forgive my sins :)
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