Well, looks like we have slacked off this entire month of May! Dallas hasn't been going to bed at a decent time, or in his bed for that matter...we have been sleeping in late and accomplishing very little! Even though sleeping in seems like a real treat for some of you full-time work-aholics, it's not at all it's cracked up to be! May has been, and probably always will be, one of the busiest months of the year! May consisted of:
Mother's Day
Shannon's 30th Birthday
Maigen Paige's 10th birthday party
@ Texas skatium (Arielle's best friend)
I wish Dallas would have been looking at the camera. Amber took this, and I still love it...but most definitely would have preferred Dallas looking up!
Eager to get his tiny skates on!! This kid is sooo INDEPENDENT!!!!
Contrary to what it looks like, Dallas actually really enjoyed skating for a little bit. He cried because someone took him away so I could get a full body picture with his little skates on :-/ I assured him his umbilical cord would reach that far ;-)

This girl is growing up too fast!!!
Fast birthday girl, dressed up in her 70's theme attire!

Dallas loved jumping & playing basketball at Texas Skatium!

Memorial Day
Miss Amber holding one of Jennifer's sweet little twins! I loved this pic!
Zoo day with Daddy & Dallas
We have really enjoyed the zoo pass The Poe's got Dallas for his 2nd birthday. We have really gotten good use out of that little card! What a great gift idea!!

Random guy who took our little sofa and happened to be wearing this adorable swim suit! 

These are some of our the towel animals left on our bed nightly. It's always a really exciting treat to see what was left!! I have to snap a quick pic before Lance's ritual of punching the animals! We had such a blast just Lance and myself! It was nice to relax, and because we had been to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel previously, we only got off for a few minutes in the Cayman Islands to shop! It was an amazing surprise, most everyone gets off the boat in port and it seemed like we had the whole ship to ourselves! We also missed our friends, family and kiddos. Dallas had only spent the night away from home once so it was kind of a big adjustment. Lance was right though, I made it to Wednesday before crying ;-) who wouldn't miss this???
Here are a few more pictures from our little rendezvous. 

My parents and The Poe's shared the responsiblity of loving my munchkins while we were gone! Mimi & Umpy had an absolute blast and thought 3 kids for a week was a piece of cake! John & Shannon took Arielle & Dallas fishing and to eat seafood! YUCK! But they all loved it! Hopefully my sweet friends will stay on my butt to keep me caught up with my blog so it doesn't consist of an entire month jam packed into one post!! Here are some more pictures from the month of May! We stay busy, so these are just here and there :)
Playing at the park with the babies! We got chick fil a and had a little picnic first! 

I love this picture! I caught these two sleeping just alike! Poor kid gets it honest!
Lunch & haircuts with these 2 busy bees! Umpy got on his phone, and of course Dallas wanted to do whatever he did!
My little gangster and I running errands!
This kid loves playing in my jewelry & make-up!! Yikes!
Bubble boy!
Swimming day with Miss Kenzie! I really enjoy Jennifer getting off early during the week! It's fun to take the kids swimming or get together for play time! These kids love playing together and I love being close to my niece! --I don't know anything about being an Aunt, but I am learning as I go, and Shannon has taught me more than she'll ever know ;-) What I do know is I LOVE little Kenzie girl and enjoy being able to hang out with her! She is so smart and expressive!
My summer wreath
My little yard man! He is such a great helper. He loves to get his mower out when I mow! I will cherish these times!! :)
His shirt reads, "Umpy's little buddy" I got that shirt made for him at our local little Embroirdery shop.
Here are some pictures of our little storm play day:
Baby bath timeMy little stinkers newest smile! He makes me smile the most genuine, whole hearted, biggest ear-to-ear grin EVER!
Lastly, we ended May with strep throat :( poor bubba felt awful, running fever and and just plain sad!
I love his little face, and I am so glad he is feeling better!! I hate when he is sick! At the dr, we had to hold him down to get some ear wax out (gag) he was crying saying, "Dallas hurt." OMG...talk about heartbreaking! I know he needed it out so I held his arms & legs to let the dr work! Thank you Jesus for all of the blessings in my life!!!! Please continue to lead me down the right path and help me learn from my mistakes!!! I want to walk with you Lord, work through me and help me to help others! AMEN! :)
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