Welcome 2014!!! Goodbye 2013!!! Lookie who's blogging...yup, part of my resolutions is to be a better blogger for my kiddos! I want to be able to print this one day for those who care to read my modern day diary while I was parenting them :) Having pictures of the things we did and how I was feeling, what a better way for them to go back and remember?! So I WILL do well this year, even if it's just a little bit most days.
Here's a picture of the smallest stinker who didn't want to take a picture! Arielle went to a get together down the street and Destiny was at her Grandmas of course ;-) We have a tradition to have a pajama party with our babies! It's very low key, with a few favorites.
Kenzie and Presley playing with Dallas' Christmas drums!
Dallas and Kenzie running around acting crazy! :)
Here our first picture of 2014! Once again, he wanted no part of picture time with Mommy :-(

Lance and Shannon ended up going to bed a little bit before midnight! (Slackers)
Our matching pjs Jennifer got us for Christmas!! So thoughtful and cute! We all added a little twist of uniqueness to our pajamas. Of course we picked this picture to pieces, but it is what it is...and my girls have hearts of gold!! Oh Lord, it didn't really get any better for me...I look like I ate most of Shannon! I'm getting Shannon's spot next time! :-)
New Year's Day we went to North Park Mall to talk with a Genius at the Apple store. I had multiple question and concerns! We hit up our favorites store and ended up shopping some good deals and sales for close to 7 hours!! Miss P and little D are troopers! They did pretty well, for little munchkins, I'd say they did real well!
This was Dallas at Maggianos for lunch, doesn't he seem so thrilled?!? He looked cute as a button, but I didn't get a good picture with his hat on.
Little mama at lunch! She eats everything in site, so proud of her!! I can't think of anything she doesn't like.
So blessed and thankful for all the good and even the bad in my life! It all is part of what makes me, ME! I am so many things rolled into ONE JUMBO BURRITO! 6:00am will come early...getting up to work out at the Woodcreek gym! Let's get it :) happy New Year and thank you Jesus!!!!!